FIX: pixelated images on iphone
This one was driving us nuts for a while. We had two images that were identical in size and resolution, yet one looked pixelated (aliased) on the iPhone while the other was sharp. Looking through the code didn’t help, everything was identical…

Luckily we had saved the original Photoshop files as templates and were able to go back and figure out that when saved for the web, the pixelated one had the progressive box ‘unchecked’ and the sharp one had progressive ‘checked’….
We haven’t found this mentioned anywhere on the Google. If anyone else has experienced this please comment. Also it may be more complicated than this maybe a combination of things, but just changing this checkbox seems to have fixed it for us.
* Disclaimer: The cat image above is a dramatization, we fixed the problem on the iphone before taking screenshots, but this is pretty much how bad it looked…