the new mimoYmima (v5.0)

It’s been a long road… We started this re-design at the beginning of the year, and did a lot of the design work in Spain over the Spring. Now it’s fall and we’re back in Spain and launching the site…

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We re-worked all of our existing site’s code into the WordPress system, which we’ve been using as a content management system for clients for years. We’ve been holding out on doing this because we don’t technically need a content management system (we write HTML for a living), but there are a ton of other perks to using WordPress, so we made the switch.

Besides using WordPress, our site has been re-designed to look more impressive on large monitors. Teresa got a 24″ iMac last summer, and seeing how puny the site felt when browsing fullscreen was probably the main reason for the re-design.

Another thing we’ve done is been more selective with our work samples. We added some new projects and got rid of some older ones, please have a look around and let us know what you think by commenting below.

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