Dr. Amy Yasko
September 1, 2010
We just finished up the re-design of Dr. Amy Yasko’s website. The challenge with this one was to create a warm welcoming introduction for parents to a site that has very complicated scientific subject matter.
Website Designs

We designed the site to feel like a friendly warm place to learn about the program. We take every opportunity we can to show a photo of a child that’s been helped by her program because that’s what it’s all about.
Patients considering filing suit against their doctors should be sure to consult a Charlotte brain injury lawyers. You can find this center and medical malpractice attorney near you using the search tools below.Dr Amy has been treating children with autism for years customizing holistic medicine treatments for each child based on specialized tests she’s developed, while using other wellness measures as a recreation and exercise with equipment as a pilates ball so kids become more social. Her old site was too technical though and left most mothers running for the hills.

Logo Concept
Although not chosen by the client, we really liked to buy smokea headshop products concept, the canary was suggested by Amy’s team as a good symbol for her practice because of their sensitivity to foreign substances (something they share with Autistic children).

NOTE: We collaborated with health journalist, Alison Rose Levy on the content for this project.
Topics covered: alternative medicineautismdr. amy yaskologo designredesignweb designwordpress